Rag the Grenadier

Update! As promised, I took a while away until I had something more juicy to post. Here’s where things are at:

  • Purge of Ashes is on submission. Came close-ish once! Have to keep sending.
  • I’m 130k into Grip of Dust and… about half done. Eek.
  • I got less done this summer than last due to ‘life’, but progress is progress…

…which leads me to the end of August where, instead of starting a new chapter in the WIP, I decided to take a break and write a short story for the Grimdark Fiction Readers & Writers group and NegativeHP’s fourth upcoming short story contest. In a few days I wrote “Rag the Grenadier”, an idea that had been percolating for some time, and joins “Residue” as now two short stories written for the World of Imbalance.

Lo and behold, it got all the way to the finals before coming in 2nd (to a story by the editor of Grimdark Magazine no less!) I’m pretty happy with that result. If you have a moment, head over to NegativeHP and give it a read! (and while you’re at it, read the winner “The Duellist” which was my favourite of the rest).

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