RPG 50% Off Sale

All the details you need for how you can get 50% back on your purchases from RPG this weekend only, Jan 30-31st, 2016: Realmwalker Rebate Sale.

Purge of Ashes isn’t there… yet. But it is exciting to be part of a rapidly-growing company that is no longer just Amazon exclusive  and now offers titles on the Kobo, with the Nook, Smashwords and iTunes on the near horizon. Plus more surprises every day.

All of this reads well for April 5th and the birth of Imbalance.



Realmwalker just announced that the release date for Purge of Ashes will be April 5. All we’ve got to do between now and then is cook up a cover, rally the banners, and convince a celebrity fantasy author to give it a go. I’ll do the first two.

This means the countdown clock can finally be set, Aneom bend his hand!


A welcome to everyone who is viewing this site for the first time thanks to the new ‘Joel Minty – Author’ page on Facebook! You can also link there from here in the ‘Contact’. This site will be the source for most of the publishing and book news in the future, all broadcasted to Twitter and Facebook both. Click HERE to read the blurb for Purge of Ashes.

Today’s major announcement is still yet to come!



The sprucing up of the map has occurred. I searched through Purge of Ashes noting all instances where characters refer to distance traveled or distance yet to travel down The Longest Road, and then compared my findings to the Scale (in Runs) in the bottom right of the mega map. It fit as it should: each offhand comment on distance mathematically matched the actual distance according to the mega map – which speaks less to luck, I think, than of an unconscious understanding of the real-world conversion of my fictitious distance unit. Suffice to say, appeasement.

My front matter has been submitted. My manuscript has been submitted. What next but to produce a scintillating synopsis?

And a comparison, of course:




…trimmed to this:


Details matter. Earn your place.


Shoreline Bulldozing

It came to my attention tonight that my map for Imbalance somehow got a little screwed up along the way. See, the .PSD for this project is massive. It takes enough minutes to load and save that I immediately hop to my cell phone to play chess. Suffice to say, that means things sometimes move slowly in-program and it took a lot of tries to get the shading effects right on the land and water both. In other words, it’s busy.

At some point the shoreline pixelated wherein it still looked GOOD but also didn’t. It suddenly was built from tons of tiny beige boxes instead of a smooth shoreline. I am certain I had a superior model at some point, but must have saved over it without noticing or the whatnot.

Now it falls on me to clean the sucker up before I vouch for it to Realmwalker’s in-house cartographer… and Xyn’s arse, that’s a lot of shoreline to massage.


The Birth of Imbalance

As of today http://www.joelminty.com is up and running, but it will be a month yet before I clean everything up the way I would like. Even so, there will be plenty of time to prepare for the upcoming release of the first book of my epic fantasy series Imbalance entitled “Purge of Ashes.” As of this moment, there is a general release date of ‘mid-April’ and until then it is my job to get everyone on the internet as excited for it as I am.